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Nov. 3, 2014
  Town of Princeton, Mass. --– Nov. 3, 2014  -- Minutes
6:27 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Stan Moss, Neil Sulmasy, Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.

The MLP Board chairman opened the meeting for Broadband Municipal Light Plant Board, with Broadband Committee Chairman John Kowaleski present. The board voted all in favor to accept minutes from Oct. 20. Stan M. reported on Broadband progress including a conference call on Oct. 29 with himself, John L., Treasurer Jim Dunbar, the town’s financial advisor and bond counsel. They decided that police detail for utility work along the roads could not legally be paid by the town as the job was a private enterprise. That figure was subtracted from the “make ready” cost estimates which the town may elect to pay, for a new total of $1,169,000. Mr. Kowaleski and Jon Fudeman at last week’s Broadband Committee meeting presented a financial model illustrating fixed costs as a sum of loan payments and maintenance costs. Currently, the subscribers’ monthly fees per month will include $35 for maintenance and $25 for construction. As more subscribers come on board the fees could decrease or the loan could be paid off faster.
        It was noted that, by working directly with Matrix on its own, Princeton is getting fiber optic broadband service for $5.7 million instead of $8 million with the state’s “Wired West” plan, which is a 40 percent savings. Public informational meetings are being scheduled for Wed., Nov. 12 and Thur., Nov. 13 at 7 PM with all meetings to be posted forthwith. A Spec. Town Mtg. is set for Nov. 18 and the ballot election for Dec. 9 to approve a debt exclusion for borrowing of funds. Neil S. praised the Broadband Committee for their two years of dedicated work on the project.

7:05 PM  The MLP Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department